Customer-Problem Fit

If you have too many ideas in your mind, with a lot of very good potential customers to serve, a vast set of different solutions, your first job is to get rid of them. If you are struggling deciding what customer you want to talk, or which problem you want to solve, you can't start up.

"One of the biggest entrepreneur traps is to be all things to all people. Big companies get big by being a few things to a large number of groups of people." - The Lean Entrepreneur, Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits

Or you arbritary chose one customer segment and one target problem to start working with, or you go talk with people and start invalidating the most ammount of options as possible. So you can start with a strong option that last out of your invalidation process.

Brant Cooper's Lean Entrepreneur Workshop

Have your segments defined in columns and start invalidating them. The less options you have the better.

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