Product-Market Fit

"Achieving product/market fit requires at least 40 percent of users saying they would be "very disappointed" without your product." - Sean Ellis

"Product/Market Fit determine if you should begin the final preparations before aggressively scaling customer acquisition." - Sean Ellis
"Product/Market fit is the only thing that matters." - Marc Andreesen

"Once you have a problem worth solving and your Minimum Viable Product built, you can then start the process of learning from customers and testing how well your solution solves the problem." - Ash Maurya, Running Lean

"Nail it before you scale it." 
"When a product shows strong demand by passionate users representing a sizable market." - Brant Cooper and Patrick Vlaskovits 
"After Product/Market Fit some level of success is almost always guaranteed. Your focus then shifts towards accelerating your plan for scale." - Ash Maurya, Running Lean

Startup Stages

What startup stage are you?

Identify wich stage your startup is at the moment. Your startup goal is to pass to the next stage.

A - Acquisition
Users from misc channels come to site
(or landing page, or widget, etc).
Where / what channels do users come from?
A - Activation
Users enjoy 1st site visit, "happy" user experience
(view X pages, spend Y seconds, make Z clicks).
What percentage have a "happy" initial experience?
R - Retention
Users re-visit site multiple times
(ex: 3 visits in first 30 days, type: cookied user, email / account, content / RSS, etc)
Do users come back & re-visit your site over time?
R- Revenue
Users conduct monetization behavior.
If no monetization, choose next-best proxy (free download, etc).
Can you monetize any of behavior?
R - Referral
Users like product enough to refer others.
Referral happens via email, links, blogs, widgets, word-of-mouth, etc.
Do users like it enough to tell their friends?
Pirate Metrics from Dave McClure - AARRR

"There is no equilibrium. Constant adaptation is required to survive; evolution prevents extinction. The natural imperative is: Keep evolving your product, or die." - Build It Like A Startup, Greg Gehrich

Revenue Model

After achieving Problem-Solution Fit and before achieving Product-Market Fit (probably something around 5 and 50 early customers), the ideal revenue model for your business is Pay-It-Forward.
"The spirit behind the Pay it Forward Program is that money should not be a barrier. Pay what you can afford!".
You can have a minimum price or a range to be chosen, but the idea is that customers do their bits and quote their own price.

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