
Customers don't care about your idea. Start a business developing a solution has proven to be disadvantageous.

                                     "Only 1 OUT OF 10
new product
introduction result in a
PROFITABLE business."
- Steve Blank  

"Most startups fail not because they lack of product, but because they lack of customers."

"You are Not a Visionnaire. If you have the word visionnaire in you facebook description and you are not a Billionaire, please remove it." - Brant Cooper

Most companies start building products and run out of resources before finding customers. Customer Development is teaching us how to start a product with the customer segment and their problems, not by the solution anymore. It is cheaper and easier.

"When I was in the moment of creating a new idea I started building it as I had it in my mind or as the team imagined it, then we tested it with friends or family, very wrong! We released the app but never got close to real customers." - CustDevDay Alumni
"After 11 months developing a software without talking to anybody, I decided to show it to my closest friends and ask them to use it. Guess what? Nobody wanted."- Alline Watkins

"We now know that something between 85 and 90 percent of most software product features are unwanted and unneeded by customers. That is an enourmous ammount of waste of time and money that ends up on the floor." - Steve Blank.

What if you could find paying customers for your product even before building it?

About the Framework

"The process of entrepreneurship needs a common framework of documentation and story-telling" - Trevor Owens, Lean Startup Machine

A Lean Startup spends less effort to build more profitable business. You can say your startup is Lean if you can answer the questions below:

If you agree the questions above are some of the most important ones to be answered in your business, so Lean Startup 5 Steps is a program for you. The amount of time and effort to answer these questions can be very big, can take a lot of months. Lean Startup 5 Steps will help you answer these and many other very important questions in the most productive way.

Lean Startup 5 Steps is a framework that 
will help you build your Minimum Viable Product
on a cheap and fast way.

to participate!

"Lean concepts are exciting but it's hard to know what to actually do."

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